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Free Money? Not So Fast!

Hey there, money-smart kids! There was a sneaky new trend that popped up on social media around Labor Day, and we want to make sure you don’t fall for it. It’s called the “ATM glitch” scam, and while it might seem like a fun way to get some extra cash, it’s actually a crime!

Here’s what went down: Some people started sharing videos and posts saying that Chase Bank’s ATMs were giving out unlimited cash because of a “glitch.” These posts made it look like you could go to the bank and get a bunch of money that wasn’t really yours. Some even made videos bragging about their piles of money!

But guess what? There wasn’t a glitch at all! These videos were trying to trick people into doing something illegal called check fraud. That means they were depositing fake checks—basically pretending they had money they didn’t have—and then taking out cash. The only “glitch” was that Chase’s system had temporarily stopped its normal practice of verifying that checks were real before making the cash available. Once the bank noticed this tricky behavior, they put a stop to it by freezing people’s accounts.

Chase Bank didn’t just stop there, though. They’re investigating the whole thing and called the police! Yep, it’s that serious. Even though it might seem like a fun TikTok challenge, messing around with fake money is no joke. Fraud is a crime, and it can get you into big trouble.

In fact, in most places if you get caught doing check fraud, you could end up in jail or have to pay huge fines. It’s theft! These people were stealing money that didn’t belong to them.

So, the next time you see something online that sounds too good to be true, like “free money,” think again! It’s always best to play by the rules and keep your money smarts sharp.

Stay safe, and keep your eyes out for sneaky scams!